Table of Contents
1 Command line
read | |
mail -f | read from mbox file |
mail -s "[title]" | send mail with title option |
2 Help:
- ? | l[ist] | hel[p] #list commands
3 Mesages list
n[nr] | Show message number nr. |
+ | The next undeleted message, or the next deleted message for the undelete command. |
- | The next previous undeleted message, or the next previous deleted message for the undelete command. |
. | The current message. |
$ | The last message. |
4 Move:
z+ | screen forward |
z- | screen backward |
= | show number of current message |
+ | next message |
$ | last message |
5 Main
h[eaders] | show headers of all |
f[rom] * | list all mails with headers |
folder | directory list |
to [msglist] | list top of message |
q[uit] | save and exit |
r | reply to all |
x | exit without save |
e[dit] [msglist] | edit |
si[ze] | size current message |
p[rint] | print current message |
p 3 | print 3-rd message |
fo | list directories |
set | show variables |
set name=string | define variable |
uns[et] | unset |
6 Manipulation:
d[elete] [msglist] | delete current message |
u[ndelete] [msglist] | undelete message |
U | set message as unread |
s[ave] [msglist] | save |
7 All messages.
n-m | range of message numbers. |
address | All messages from address |
/string | All messages with string in the subject line (case ignored). |
:c | All messages of type c, where c shall be one of: |
d | Deleted messages. |
n | New messages. |
o | Old messages (any not in state read or new). |
r | Read messages. |
u | Unread messages. |