Table of Contents
- SELECT * FROM dba_jobs
- SELECT * FROM dba_jobs_running
- column TOTAL_TIME determine the time which system spend run this job from first initialization, it is not time of present
- column THIS_DATE is filled when job is still executing and show time present execution time
2 Create new job
declare jobnr number; begin dbms_job.submit( job=>jobnr, what=>'dbms_output.put_line(''ble'');', next_date=>to_date('10:00 09/09/2009','HH24:MI DD/MM/YYYY'), interval=>'SYSDATE+1'); end; /
3 Starting job by hand
- must be run by job owner, otherwise ORA-23421, even for user sys, beware on change next_date which will by calculated from now
- sql> exec DBMS_JOB.RUN(JOB => [nr]);
4 Turn off
- set state BROKEN
- sql> exec DBMS_JOB.BROKEN(JOB => [nr], BROKEN => TRUE);
5 Turn on
- unset state BROKEN
- sql> exec DBMS_JOB.BROKEN(JOB => [nr], BROKEN => FALSE, NEXT_DATE => TO_DATE(’10:00 01/01/09′, ‘HH24:MI MM/DD/YY’));
6 Changing job params
- must be set all arguments, if any is unchange we set NULL:
- sql> exec DBMS_JOB.CHANGE(JOB => [nr], NEXT_DATE => to_date('2011-01-01 10:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), WHAT => null, INTERVAL => ‘SYSDATE + 3′);
7 Removing job:
- exec DBMS_JOB.REMOVE(JOB => [nr]);
8 dbms_ijob
- DBMS_IJOB is a package included with Oracle that allows a sys or system user to manipulate other user's jobs.
9 How to set time:
sysdate+1 | from present time + 1day |
trunc(sysdate)+1 | from 12.00 AM + 1day |
trunc(sysdate)+17/24 | 17:00 PM today<br /> |
trunc(sysdate)+60/1440 | 1:00 AM (60min/60min*24=1440) |
- sql> SELECT to_char(trunc(sysdate+1) + 90/1440, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM') FROM dual;
10.1 ORA-23421
- procedure dbms_job must by run by owner even sys user cant do that check dbms_ijob
10.2 ORA-12012
- search above string ORA-12012 in alertlogs due to problem with previous jobs